Patch 20.1.15 is primarily a bug fix patch. It also introduces the Ba system for Champions ranking.
Ba system - adjustment to Champions ranking
Champions are now ranked via Kismet adjusted by Ba
Ba can be between -200 and 200
A maximum of 100 is applied to ranking
Champions get 10 Ba per win, up to a maximum of 50 per day
Champions lose 10 ba per day of inactivity
Ba can be viewed in player profiles as well as via mouse over in the ladder
Changed & added some hotkeys
Faction filters are now ctrl-(B|Y|R|G|O|P)
Cost filters are now ctrl-(1|2|3|4|5|6)
Class filters are now ctrl-(M|S|E|A)
Rarity filters are now ctrl-alt-(C|U|R|M)
Wild/Unowned filters are now ctrl-(W|U)
Show available cards filter (draft only) is now ctrl-0
ctrl-F focuses the search filter
[Space] adds a card to the deck when focused on a card in the collection
shift-[Space] adds a stack of cards
[Space] removes a card from the deck when focused on a card in the deck
shift-[Space] removes a stack of cards
[Space] picks the focused card when drafting
0-4 sets the number of cards in the deck when focused on a card in either the deck or the collection
ctrl-C and ctrl-V export and import a deck, respectively
[Space] plays a card from hand when fighting
shift-[Return] ends turn
T/F2 toggle the card tracker
F12 takes a screenshot
The taskbar icon now lights up if a match is ready and the application is not focused (Windows only)
Improved how the multi-deck editor (tournaments only) shows cards/decks that don’t meet the deck-building restrictions
Added an alternate trim for partners
Changed the card border
Decreased the intro movie cooldown to 1 day
Fixed several tournament related bugs
nb- unfortunately, not the obvious ones - the focus this time was the overall stability of the system