10/9/2019 4:50:09 PM


This patch focuses on a visual update for all card colors -it’s now much easier to tell what color a card is! Some pesky bugs have also been dealt with (players now automatically concede after a few minutes afk, a timer bug causing turns to sometimes not end when the turn timer expires, and the expiration timer for the High-Five mission is now correctly shown). Check the website for news about some cool events taking place during the rest of the month.

Features & Bug Fixes

  • Updated card and rarity visuals

  • Added custom mouse cursor (disable option available in Graphics settings)

  • Moved the Level and Maat player screens from the player profile to tabs in the missions and achievements panel

  • The Daily Bonus Pool panel now shows the starter bonus pool separate from the universal bonus pool to reduce confusion about how the bonus pools work

  • Fixed High Fives elite mission to show expiration timer and to properly expire

  • Arena matches now have a chance to give weekly chest emblems and daily card rewards

  • Players will auto-concede if they are idle for two full turns

  • Fixed an issue where games could get stuck with no auto end turn timers firing

  • Bronze ranked players and lower MMR casual players can no longer enable “Faster Matchmaking”

  • Reworked the Prestige / Wild Card filter button into a popup list of toggles

  • Reworked the crafting UI. Upgrading prestige cards is now done from the card being upgraded

  • The Deck Editor card gem filter initializes to the colors used in the deck

  • Deck import now constructs the deck with prestige cards if available

  • Deck export now lists just a single entry for each base card

  • Added ‘maxnum’ keyword to search filters

  • Added turn indicators to combat visual history

  • Added additional glows to gems in mana bar to help distinguish between spent and unspent gems

  • Right click to zoom added in combat

  • Card and tooltip fade delays reduced

  • Increased time until idle emote triggers

  • Fix for client freeze when making a store purchase while in 2v2 queue

  • Fixed incorrect appearance and ordering of the ‘goes first’ message at the start of a match when there is lag and removed ‘goes first’ when resuming a game in progress

  • Concede button is no longer replaced by Exit Game button at the end of a match

  • Fixed a bug where card tooltips weren’t correctly being hidden when highlighting your partner’s cards in 2v2

  • Decreased size of burn zone in 2v2

  • Android - Card filter search box fixed

  • Hand order should be restored when a game is reloaded

  • Fixed a bug where the game would become unresponsive when trying to cancel out of the ‘select an artifact to replace’ interface when playing an artifact with all slots full  

  • Fixed a bug causing certain summon animations (Academy Recruitment, Behemoth, Seven Ring Ritual, Sideshow Chimera, et al) to play more slowly than intended

  • Lavish Proxy now correctly protects its controller from lose life effects (Ichor Feast, Serendipity Ifreet, et al)

  • Fixed a bug where click-activation of Sovereign Architect and other similar targeted minion abilities wasn’t working

  • Fixed a bug where using the last charge of Lamp of Wonders caused replays to freeze

  • Fixed a bug where a reanimated minion (via Hopeless Necromantic, Re:Spawn, et al) wasn’t triggering on create effects for certain enchantments (Beimeni Falls, Incubation Chamber, Red Cliffs, Soma Oasis, et al)

  • Fixed a bug when a Hopeless Necromantic with Re:Spawn cast on it would erroneously try to activate the Re:Spawn effect instead of fizzling it

  • Fixed a bug where modifiers granted by minions with stealth (eg  Thriving Shade) were being revealed in the modifiers tooltip

  • The source of a granted stealth modifier is no longer revealed (Master of Shadows)

  • Fixed a bug where permanently modified cards displayed by Pseudonomicon were not being shown with their correct modifiers

  • Fixed a bug where certain lane-based effects (Familia Sprite, Pushy Oni, and Salt the Fields) where not being properly applied to lanes 8-13 in 2v2

Known Issues

  • Tournaments are NYI

  • Guilds are NYI


Celestial (keyword tag)

  • → Removed

It’s not yet referenced by any other mechanic, so this just makes Ourania Muse and Máni, Queen of Tides Muses while dodging the unspoken implication that Celestial Dragon’s name and tags should be identical (thereby driving Xeneth insane).

Incubation Chamber

  • Minions created in and occupying this lane have Armor 2 and Stunned until the end of your next turn, but get +3/+3 afterwards → This effect is cancelled if the minion leaves early

This is actually just a card text change to clarify the current mechanics.

Kára Mourningwives

  • Gets +1/+1 when your opponent creates a minion → an enemy minion is created

A text-only change to reflect the way she already works in 2v2.

Meso Libre

  • Awaken: The minion in the opposite lane is Stunned until the end of its → next turn

Another text-based change intended to clarify the length of the effect in cases where he gets created out of turn.

Rogue Idolon

  • Renamed from Rogue Vocaloid.

Sovereign Architect

  • Create a 2/2 Imp with [Agile] in one of your unoccupied lanes → a friendly unoccupied lane

More flexibility in 2v2, where individual spells and spell-like effects can be more interesting if they synergize with your ally. This also lines up nicely with the “Ved’ma air drop” mechanics implied by how Academy Recruitment plays.


  • Art updated for Sideshow Chimera, Tangleskein, Reincarnation, Xelhua the Builder, and The Oak of Dodona